prepare of umbrella
Leofoo amusement park
bad mood
I don’t know why,
I don’t know how,
I don’t want it!
All I want is be more normal and be happier.
Can I?
Keelung night market

Family feast

After that we decided to go to IKEA find some ready-made martial and some inspiration. After I saw the lampshade made by stainless steel I think I can use baking tray as the top of my product. I just have to laser cut the same paper-cutting acrylic on it and it will be fine. So I went Breeze Center’s Hands Tailung to bought a baking tray and hope I can use it. And I also found the ready-made toy at IKEA. I take some pictures of them. Of course some other things, too.

Cards Slaves in the World
Sorry, I love you
That is a really sad love story.
It’s a Korean drama. There are two main characters, one faces death everyday with two bullets stuck in his head, and the other encounter with him develops into an extreme love affair.
The leading man was abandoned by his parents when he was just born and was adopted by an Australian family. But his foster father also abandoned him after he met a shallow woman. He believed he will get a pathetic life, so he went back to Korea to find his mother. But he found his family was not as poor as he thought. Both his mother and younger brother are the top stars at Korea. Let makes him want to get even with them.
I haven’t finished it yet so I can’t tell you what’s gonna happen in the end. But this drama really touched me. It is not just a soap drama like others. “Sorry, I love you” describe the beauty of the heart into the two main characters. Now I know why it creates a high audience rating at Korea! And I want to finished it as soon as possible!